What data do I need to create a new site

You will need to provide some data about the site, its assets and some settings about the forecasting models.

Type of the site type
Specify the type of the site. For a load site it should be: load.

Name of the site name
Specify a name for the site. It is used to easily recognize the site. It is a string.
Example: My load site

Latitude of the site location latitude
Specify the latitude of the site location. It takes a value between -90 and 90.
Example: 52.5

Longitude of the site location longitude
Specify the longitude of the site location. It takes a value between -180 and 180.
Example: 13.4

Settings settings

  • Model resolution model_resolution
    Specify how frequently the forecasts will be updated. It can be every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour or daily. It takes one of the following values: 15min, 30min, 1h or 1d.

  • Train long-term models trainLongTermModels
    Specify if a model based on typical meteorological year should be trained for long-term forecasting. It takes one of the following values: true or false

  • Train near-term models trainNearTermModels
    Specify if a model based on recent power observations should be trained for short-term forecasting. Power observations should be available in real time in this case. It takes one of the following values: true or false

  • Additional locations additional_points
    Add more locations to be considered for the weather inputs of the forecasting models. This is useful when creating a model to predict the load in a wider area. The additional points are provided by their longitude and latitude.

Create load site
import requests

api_key = "Your API key" # Set your API key

payload = {
	"type": "load",
	"name": "My load site",
	"latitude": 52.5,
	"longitude": 13.4,
	"settings": {
		"model_resolution": "1h",
        "additional_points": [
                "name": "Extra location 1",
                "latitude": 53.5,
                "longitude": 14.4
                "name": "Extra location 2",
                "latitude": 51.5,
                "longitude": 12.4
		"trainNearTermModels": False,
		"trainLongTermModels": False

url = "https://api.rebase.energy/platform/v2/sites"

headers = {"Authorization": api_key, "Content-Type": "application/json"}

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json=payload)
response = response.json()
Response example
    "site_id": "a923653c-26f1-1b29-955d-ffde5d182276"