Create multiple sites
Create multiple sites to be forecasted using the UI
Choose the site type to create
To create a site, start by clicking “Add location” in the top left corner of the screen.
Then you’ll end up at the following page, where you have the choice to create multiple sites at once (bulk mode).
The files needs to be formatted according to a pre-defined structure for the upload to work. Find here an example for .csv-files and here and example for .xlsx-files. See below for the definition of the energy asset objects and their attributes.
The name of the site
Latitude of the site
Longitude of the site
Orientation of solar panels (0 N, 90 E, 180 S, 270 W) degrees
Tilt of solar panels (0 to 90) degrees
Capacity of site - array of JSON objects. Each JSON object should contain the capacity value in kW and the date (ISO 8601) from which the value is valid from.